3. Providers' perspective

Using the providers’ perspective on video review of neonatal procedures to create a roadmap: a qualitative study

Heesters V, van Zanten HA, den Boer MC, Te Pas AB, Witlox RS. Using the providers' perspective on video review of neonatal procedures to create a roadmap: a qualitative study. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed. Published online February 7, 2024.

Exploring the Power of Video in the NICU: A Journey of Learning and Improvement

Video review offers a unique lens for examining how we provide healthcare, especially in the dynamic environment of the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). It has the potential to reveal opportunities for improvement, but its success depends on how healthcare providers embrace it and whether it's implemented thoughtfully.

Our Study: Learning from Experience

We wanted to understand how healthcare providers responded to an expanded video review program within our tertiary level NICU. Our program started with a focus on neonatal stabilization, and we broadened it to include:

  • Wider Applications: Incorporating delivery room procedures and other important NICU processes.

  • Enhanced Insights: Adding audio recordings for a more complete view of interactions.

  • Fostering Teamwork: Emphasizing multidisciplinary participation in review sessions.

Valuable Perspectives

We interviewed 28 diverse NICU providers to learn about their experiences with video review. Their honest feedback, analyzed carefully, revealed key factors that can contribute to successful implementation:

  • Empowering Reflection: Providers appreciated how video review encouraged self-awareness and a desire to learn and grow.

  • Breaking Down Barriers: Video review created a shared platform for professionals from different disciplines to understand each other better, strengthening teamwork and collaboration.

  • Trust and Safety Matter: Emphasizing consent and creating a non-judgmental space were essential for making providers feel comfortable with the process.

Sharing What We've Learned Our study offers insights that can help other healthcare settings adopt video review effectively. We believe it's a powerful tool, and we're excited to share our experiences to support continuous improvement in patient care. Would you like to learn more?

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